Missing credit cards should be reported immediately.
Keeping your information secure is EMUCU's top priority. If your credit card has been lost or stolen, please contact us immediately at 734-487-1033. If you feel your personal information has been compromised, please contact us so we can do everything possible to protect your EMUCU accounts. You will also want to review your credit report to see if any loans have been opened fraudulently in your name.
- There are a number of excellent online resources where you can learn more about how to fight fraud and identity theft.
- The Federal Trade Commission offers an overview of what you should do and who you should contact if you feel you've been a victim.
- The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offers contact information for the major credit reporting agencies, along with other helpful information.
- The Consumer.gov website lists ways you might find out your identity has been stolen and offers advice on identity theft recovery.